Have you tried “everything”? Wise Counsel for Families Dealing with Substance Abuse


Joe Herzanek

Providing families in need
with over 30 years of real-life,
hands-on experience and success

Do you long to sleep through the night? Do you wonder if you are doing the “right thing”? Do you wish you could make them stop their addiction? Does your life seem out of control? Have you had enough drama to last a lifetime?

Your situation may be unique, but it’s not hopeless.

We specialize in those tough, crisis “seemingly impossible” situations.

There IS a solution. Together we can formulate a plan to restore sanity to your life — saving you and your family time, money, stress and unnecessary heartache.

Phone Counseling
with author/addiction counselor Joe Herzanek.
Specialized to your unique situation.

Call: (303) 775.6493
Email: jherzanek@gmail.com
to learn more about a personal consultation
with Author/Addiction Professional Joe Herzanek, CACII
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We understand there are times when life seems so out of control and hopeless–you just can’t bring yourself to sit down and find answers from a book or DVD.

In order to effectively come alongside and partner with you to make changes you can live with, we offer one-on-one consulting. While most of Joe’s consulting is done over the phone, he also provides on-site consulting services.

You and your family will work with Joe to formulate a plan which will begin to restore sanity to your life–saving time, money, stress and unnecessary heartache.

Begin taking the steps your family needs to end the chaos and receive specific guidance for your unique circumstances.

Joe will walk you through the steps you need to take, giving you knowledge, support and confidence to “do what needs to be done – every step of the way.” You can get through this.

Gain peace of mind, knowing that you are taking the steps necessary to begin healing and recovery–for your loved-one and your family.


Call: (303) 775.6493
Email: jherzanek@gmail.com
to learn more about phone counseling for families
with Author/Addiction Professional Joe Herzanek, CACII

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Wise Counsel, phone counseling for addiction, families dealing with substance abuse


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